Mutational Scanning Workshop 2020 and 2021
Every year, the Center for the Multiplex Assessment of Phenotype in collaboration with the Brotman Baty Institute, holds a Mutational Scanning Symposium and Workshop.
Experts in the field come from around the world meet to discuss new insights and to present their work. Here are a few featured presentations from our Workshops.
Please also visit : our CMAP youtube channel or our partner site to learn more about future workshops!

Dr. Atina Cote (Mutational Scanning Symposium 2021)

Meghan Garrett, PhC (Mutational Scanning Symposium 2021)

Dr. Erika DeBenedictis (Mutational Scanning Symposium 2021)

Dr. Kenneth Matreyek, (Mutational Scanning Symposium 2021)

Deep Mutational Scanning, Dr. Kenny Matreyek

Oligo and PCR methods, Bryan Andrews

DMS workshop Cailin Plesa DropSynth

Assigning Scores to Variants, Dr. Alan Rubin

Picking A Model System, Dr. Ethan Ahler

Selection Methods, Dr. Molly Gasperini

Clinical Variant Interpretation, Dr. Brian Shirts

Deep Mutational Scanning with Visual Phenotypes, Nick Hasle